Pam offers metal prints of her fractal images. The easiest way to categorize these metal print fractals is by color. Please take the time to explore all the color families and to explore the world of fractal art.
Please also note that the default prices listed are for metal prints. However, images can be ordered in a number of different metal frames and tabletop display options.
The following are metal prints of fractal images in the red/orange color family.
Please note that the default prices listed are for metal prints. However, images can be ordered in a number of different metal frames and tabletop display options.
Pamela Dick - Fractal Artist
artist statement
I have always been fascinated with science and technology. Dreaming about where the world will be years from now. How will technology change our lives and will it be good or bad?
One year, I received a calendar for Christmas that had a year in Fractals. I was hooked after February and sought out the method to create these images. Once I saw the complicated program I figured I was too old to be revisiting my math education, but I pushed on. Thirteen years later I am travelling the universe, visiting the ocean depths, exploring places totally unknown to me. I never know where I will go when I sit down to create a new image. But I love the adventures and hope you will also.

artist biography
Pam began her digital art career 13 years ago with 3D rendering of fantasy characters. Fractal generation was a respite from the labor intensive digital art creation. Something about the fractals soon took over and fractals became her main focus.
Her fractals and photography have won many
awards and have been seen in many art shows in
Washington State and in California. She specializes in close-up and perspective images.
She lives in Sequim with her husband, 2 labs, and 5 cats. While waiting for the fractals to render, she enjoys gardening and walking on the beach.
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